Click the "Run" button and select Your Browser from dialog box. If it runs fine Select "Save As" from Script Editor's File Menu. Uncheck "Stay Open" and Check "Never Show Start Up Screen". Name it and save as Application. Go to preference from BookMark Manager. Press "Set Launch Application" from preference window and select saved AppleScript application. Now you can open URL to press "Open URL" button from BookMark Manager. If you got "Execution error mesage", Please select "Open dictionary" from Script Editor's file menu and open your browser. Then find out the command to Open URL in dictionary. Then replace "OpenURL" with correct command and try again. If you can't see your browser from "Open dictionary" dialog, Your browser is not compatible with AppleScript. But still you can select your browser from BookMark Manager's Preference window to launch your browser. After you press "Open URL", you may paste URL in your browser's URL field from clipboard then press return.